On 28 November 2001, the Supreme Court of India directed the State Governments and Union Territories to implement the Mid-Day Meal Scheme (now called the PM POSHAN Abhiyaan) in all Government and Government-aided schools to ensure that every child in each of these schools received one square wholesome meal on all school days.

The Scheme aims at
- Mitigating classroom hunger
- Tackling malnutrition
- Increasing enrolment and attendance rates
- Improving socialisation among children
- Empowering women with employment opportunities
The NP-NPSE 2006 required that the Governments mobilise community support and adopt Public-Private Partnership mode of operation for implementing the Mid-Day Meal Scheme, wherever possible.
The Government of Karnataka had in fact already established partnership with The Akshaya Patra Foundation for implementation of ‘Akshara Dasoha,’ Mid-Day Meal Scheme of the State Government, in the year 2005. The partnership became a beacon of success and ever since, Akshaya Patra has partnered with various State Governments and Central Government of India and is now operating in 14 States & 2 Union territories of India.
Akshaya Patra works to eliminate hunger by preparing meals that suit the local palate and address all nutritional requirements of beneficiaries. Its perseverance in bringing a wholesome meal cooked in highly hygienic kitchens has been recognized as it serves as a member of the National Steering-cum-Monitoring Committee for the Mid-Day Meal Programme.
The Mid-Day Meal Scheme was implemented by Akshaya Patra in November 2001.